速報APP / 娛樂 / Learn electronic

Learn electronic





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Learn electronic(圖1)-速報App

In this application you will find many courses to learn electronic concepts aimed at beginners as well as those who have some basic notions and want to learn other subjects related to electronics. So, here you will see from videos where they give you reasons to study electronic engineering, to homemade modules to repair appliances or free electronics courses to repair television through a practical procedure. As you see, there are many reasons to download this app that is free and that can help you in your daily life to fix devices and electronic devices and thus access the world of work through a highly demanded trade.

When you see these videos, you will probably be interested in studying the basics of digital electronics, by learning to read service manuals, for example, and thus better understand the devices that we find in our day to day and that constantly break down, You will realize that it is a job with a future in that we need to repair those devices. And what better to start by knowing the concepts in a basic way through courses that go step by step.

Concepts such as electronic resistances, circuits, electronic schematic diagrams, schematics, etc. They will not be a secret for you as well as the electronic devices of your home, office or workshop. After watching these videos you will want to study all the concepts related to basic electronics.

Learn electronic(圖2)-速報App

Learn electronic(圖3)-速報App

Learn electronic(圖4)-速報App

Learn electronic(圖5)-速報App

Learn electronic(圖6)-速報App

Learn electronic(圖7)-速報App

Learn electronic(圖8)-速報App